I was just browsing your web page and I was wondering after looking over some of the pumps and powerheads is that is there a visable difference between the Hydor Koralia Controllable Powerheads and the Non-Controllable ones? The reason being is that I currently have 2x Koralia 1's and 2x Koralia 3's and just got from a buddy free a Red Sea Wave Pro WaveMaker Unit and thought about hooking the pumps into it.
But what I dont want to happen is there being no change in flow at all, so in other words, How do you tell if you have Koralia Controllable powerheads vs. non-controllable ones.
Thanks For your time and help!
I was just browsing your web page and I was wondering after looking over some of the pumps and powerheads is that is there a visable difference between the Hydor Koralia Controllable Powerheads and the Non-Controllable ones? The reason being is that I currently have 2x Koralia 1's and 2x Koralia 3's and just got from a buddy free a Red Sea Wave Pro WaveMaker Unit and thought about hooking the pumps into it.
But what I dont want to happen is there being no change in flow at all, so in other words, How do you tell if you have Koralia Controllable powerheads vs. non-controllable ones.
Thanks For your time and help!