Is there a Visual Difference between Controllable and Non-Controllable Pump?


New member

I was just browsing your web page and I was wondering after looking over some of the pumps and powerheads is that is there a visable difference between the Hydor Koralia Controllable Powerheads and the Non-Controllable ones? The reason being is that I currently have 2x Koralia 1's and 2x Koralia 3's and just got from a buddy free a Red Sea Wave Pro WaveMaker Unit and thought about hooking the pumps into it.

But what I dont want to happen is there being no change in flow at all, so in other words, How do you tell if you have Koralia Controllable powerheads vs. non-controllable ones.

Thanks For your time and help!
Hello Piper,

Thanks for the post, yes there is a huge difference between both, though they may look the same, they are not. The way you can tell the difference between the controllable and non controllable ones is the plug. The controllable koralia's are specifically designed for & can be used only with the Hydor Koralia Wavemaker system. (The plug is shaped different from your standard wall plug)

Keep in mind that I do not recommend that you use the standard non controllable koralia's on a Read sea Wavemaker. due to the constant on and off function of the wavemaker, this causes the pumps to wear much quicker and seize to function. You can find more information on the controllable koralia's

I hope this info helps

Best Regards,


Marine Depot Customer Services
Hi Walter!

So what your saying is that I shouldn't hook up the pumps to the WavePro...? Is there any way to make them controllable or do I have to buy new pumps all together?

Oh! and the Link does not work!
Arg! Bummer! Hmmm, well I'll let ya know what I end up doing. Ill probably sell them and look into that!

Thanks for your help
I have read that you can use them but you have to find a wavemaker that just reduces the power, not turn the pumps off. Sorry but I don't remember the name of the controller but look around RC and you'll find it.
Ok Walter Im going out on a limb here. At the store where I work, some of the pumps like the K-1,3 have blue props, the K-4 has red colored prop.. Does the color mean anything????
Hi Pipper,

Thanks for the reply, I've sent Hydor an email regarding your question, I'm not exactly sure what the colors mean either. When I hear back from them I will post their response here.

Hi Pipper,

I received a reply from hydor regarding your question, this is what Mike at Hydor said

"The Koralia nano and 1 have blue impellers, the K2 has a green impeller, the K3 has a purple impeller, and the K4 has an orange impeller. Each impeller is slightly different withe the exception of the nano and K1. Nano and K1 impellers are interchangeable. The color differences just make it easier to quickly identify the model of Koralia."

I hope this answers your question.

Best Regards,
