Is there an API available?


New member
Matthias, is there an API available?

If not, then I'd like a java application that would allow me to display the some basic parameters and have a few basic on/off controls as well. I figured I'd put it on an internet tablet displayed near the tank.
An API is an application programming interface.

In my case, it would allow another program to have access to whatever controls and data were made available. It all depends on how open GHL is willing to be as to whether or not they allow for this. After all, it's their hardware and software designs and not ours. I can respect that, but I can always hope. :)
heh... yeah but if it were available and one user created something worthwhile that could be shared, then it would benefit everyone
The communication protocol and parameter lists are available from me on request. I can even send you some source code in C or Java if you want to write your own application.

We have some users in Germany writing their own applications.
Maybe we should launch an "open-source-community"?
Got a PM from Matthias saying he will eventually have it available on the d/load section of their site.
hello Matthias,

Could we start by getting a way to pool the device to be able to gatter the data from the probe and the temperature??
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I use to program in Borland c++builder, but now i am looking for "inspiration" and trying to do something in php; it's hard but not imposible. Java could be another good choice for it's portability from windows, to linux or even a PDA
heh I have done alot of Dephi :c)

I was thinking of porting it to PHP also, I want to have a web base app to view and log data... but would like to see what other people want.

We could run this on moded Linksys router or on a regular PC.
Well if we had to start a wishlist....
1. Extract and save measurement data
2. Display data in graph
3. Web based
4. Ability to input other data... e.g. MG, Ca, KH, water change data etc
5. Reminders.. change light bulbs etc
6. Basic picture of the tank with major equipment showing status of on/off.
7. Email/pop up alarms, send link to management interface.
8. Basic control of sockets, pumps and lights.

well that would be a real winner. :thumbsup:
Unfortunately I am no developer (background in IT networks and hardware) so cant help with coding but would happily test and do whatever else I can.
Im pretty certain that im going to be buying a profiluxII as soon as my local shop opens again (im in the UK). I have been working as a programmer and DBA for 14 years now and would love to get involved in doing some open-source coding for it as soon as the API is released.

My background is in Oracle Databases but we could look at using other lower-end databases for storing long-term info and trends etc. I can definitely help with that :)

My big want is a web-based application so i can manage stuff from work if the need arises. I would want some kind of management interface that would allow us to look at historical data on alerts, threshold monitoring, trending and the like.
