Is This A Good First Saltwater Tank?


New member
Hi, I also posted this in the "New to the Hobby" forum. I'm posting here b/c perhaps some of you are more experienced, and don't look at that forum.

Could someone please give me advice on this tank:

I talked to the owner on the phone yesterday: He said the tank is fully set up (in his home) and in good condition.
He also said that it is completely custom (he built it)!!!
Could someone please give me a guess as to its value, I would appreciate it (he says $6000???).
He also said it is 2' x 2' x 7', is this a well dimensioned tank? Or do you think the 24" x 24" is a bit small (should a tank that size be more like 3' x 6'?)?
The owner said that it did have an evaporation problem. I believe he said that he designed the sump/filtration system.
So I would probably need to consult all you forum members to help me redesign the system, if I were to get the tank (Is this worth the hassle?)! Also, if you look at the pictures it appears the tank has an algae problem (which is probably another indication of the need for a new filtration design)?

2nd reply (in New to the Hobby forum):
The price is supposed to include everything, including spare bulbs, etc.
I forgot to mention that when I talked to the owner on the phone, he said that it is really a 180 gallon tank with two 20 gallon refugium tanks on the far right side (remember that he built the whole thing). I guess that the two smaller tanks also have a lower water level, so that the glass divider (between the 180 & 20 gallon tanks) acts as a "waterfall." I'll have to call him again and ask for more photos of the sump system (which I should have asked yesterday).
you can buy a 180g new for approx 500 from glass cages. As new the lights would be around 400.

i would not trust custom built items unless you know or know of the builder.

as for the rare corals.............i couldnt see any in the few pictures.

FWIW: I just sold a 225, stand hood sump plumbing for $600.

I would find a local club and ask those guys there. Clubs often have someone selling a tank or other stuff.

Thanks for the advice! I'll keep looking.
I still might go over and look at this one sometime next week (just in case).
Could someone at least give me an idea of what they would be willing to pay for it (assuming it is in good condition, and his woodworking is unflawed)?
i see ur from coloardo, check out a few of the lfs, there's always one or two that have some incredible deals on used systems. you can find systems with everything youe need for only 600 bucks, leaving you a ton left over to stock the system with what u want, and from the pic, that canopy look pretty tacky, my wife would divorce me if i spent that nuch cash and brought that home, just IMO go to Keys island, oxford and santa fe, he always has awesome setups fpr less.
I would say hes asking for way to much for a used system. Cool looking canopy, but certainly not worth that much.
that is way too much, and also nothing is said about filtration equipment. Looking at the condition of the tank inhabitants, I would not expect a deltec skimmer or anything. basically you are paying for a nice stand. Worth less than half of what he is asking
Thanks for the input.
I called the guy a couple of days ago asking for a list of everything, and more pictures, but he still hasn't emailed! Perhaps he has been reading this thread?
Whatever the case, I see now that he is asking way too much.