is this a pest?


New member
saw this tonight anyone know what it is and is it bad to have in a sps tank

Looks like a polyclad worm. Will kill snails and clams. I have not had it with acros in the past so no first hand experience with acros and polyclad flatworm.
I saw this on a snail I'll get it out. The sps in the pic is fine. had an alk swing a while back and that one is recovering.
Looks like a polyclad worm. Will kill snails and clams. I have not had it with acros in the past so no first hand experience with acros and polyclad flatworm.

+1 on polyclad worm ID. Won't touch your corals but will decimate your snail and clam population.
actually had one kill a small tuxedo urchin. Had to lie in wait for two weeks before I could ambush it. They can move fast and hate the light. I found one more several weeks later hiding among acropora. I'm not sure but I think that if you don't get the whole flatworm the part remaining can duplicate