Is this a Superman?


In Memoriam
I bought a clump of these, 3 large and 3 small, bought them as Superman shrooms. The largest is about 4.5 inches across. One of the small is bright blue. I guess they are called Superman because of their size?

Usually "Superman" corals are blue and red. The green you see is probably blue under certain lighting.
The background is bluish-green. They are under 20k MH and actinics and my camera I can't get to reproduce colors too acurate. The colors are always faded and slightly off with the camera pics, but don't really want to get a better one right now. The brown color is only slightly reddish. So these really aren't and were sold under false pretense huh? Oh, well, live and learn. I paid $45 for the group. I felt is was high at the time, but it was payday. LOL
OK, my camera s@*%s but they are turning bluer. The small one is almost a total blue. Maybe not superman shrooms, but I like them all the same.

check this one out
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I think I NEED that. Gimme!! It is a compulsive life or death feeling. Must get psychedelic mushroom to survive, bleep blorp

lol that is really really really nice!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8545570#post8545570 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MoCha920
check this one out
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Yes, that is a yuma. Picture is found on They have some awesome rics.
Here is the latest pic. I am hoping they are still going to continue coloring up. Course, still having problems working camera, but getting there.
Thanks for looking.