is this acropora healthy...? *pic*...


New member
i bought this acropora about 4 days ago... i've been wanting to keep acroporas for a while now but too scared to spend money on it only to find out my tank is not ready... i finally was able to find this small piece at a reasonable price at a local fish store and decided to give it a try...

this picture shows pretty much the fullest extension i have seen for this coral, but my father thinks it should extend more... since i only have limited exposure to SPS's, i don't know what different species are supposed to look like fully extended... what do you all think...?
Looks healthy to me. High light, good flow. Its polyps are fully extended, or close to it. Can't tell you what it is, but it looks happy.
From what I can tell the Acro looks healthy, but ...

I would be worried if you plan on keeping it near that Euphyllia. It will probably get stung badly.

Best Wishes,
that euphyllia is like the odd coral ever since i bought it... i just don't know where to put it... and it always falls down, so when this acropora does good, and i end up getting more later, that hammer coral is going to be transfered somewhere else...

my initial plan for the tank when i first set it up was an LPS dominant tank but i also want a few SPS's on the top part ledge of my rocks...
Looks good, some Acros dont extend during the daylight at all....especially after 4 days.....I say cool beans.

The hammer is going to mess with it......I suggest creating an area just for your SPS and moving the others elsewhere.
Corallite structure looks like a tenius... looks very happy to me nice PE...... I would say you got a very healthy specimen... I would second moving it away from the euphillia though....
No tissue recession and the polyps are out, looks good!

Definately move it away from the hammer coral. It'll sting and kill your pretty acro.