is this good a good buy?


New member
i have a chance to buy a 230 gal. tall that is maybe 3 to 4 years
old. it has 2 corner boxes,one is return ,other is drain. one hole
in each.would it be worth to buy and then drill another hole in
each corner and rebuild new overflow boxes. the guy is asking
300.00 for it. or would it work like it is. i have a 150 gal. now with
2 returns and 2 drains. with 1500 gph. rated pump.would this be
too much for 1 return and 1 drain. or would it be better to spend more money and buy a new 230 or bigger with updated boxes.returnes ,and drains? thanks for any help on this.
i think for ~ $500 you could get a new glass cages 240 (8 x 2 x 2) tank with built-in overflows each with a drain and return... for that matter for a little more dough he'll drill any holes you want wherever you want them etc... i think shipping to pre-determined locations is like $75... check'em out...
Or just use both holes as drains and do the returns over the top. I have never had a tank with holes for returns, just drains.

If the tank is in good shape and is the size you want than it sounds like a good deal. But the tank and stand are your foundations, and the hardest things to upgrade so make sure it is the tank and stand you want. Other componets are much easier to replace.
have them drill for closed loop drains and returns... and you might also ask for 3 holes in your 2 overflows... 2 drains and 1 return... that way you can easily setup the "Herbie" drain method.... there's a thread somewhere here that explains the method... 1 drain, 1 emergency drain, and 1 return....... = very quiet overflow and sump........

if i could do it all over again i would have gone that route... pain the butt drilling glass and i hate over the top returns.. but i'll have to do both with my tank as it will be an island tank with 4 viewable sides....