Is this good placement for montipora capricornis?


New member
I just got a monti cap from my lfs and was wondering this is good placement? I would put it higher but I am afraid it will shade my other corals. Also does anyone know how long it will take the coral to start attaching to the rock?
It's an ok placement. Naturally. Being lower down, if it is getting less light it will just grow slower. But they're pretty undemanding. I have an Idaho grape monti literally growing on/in/out of the sandbed in the corner. It grows a lot slower than when I had it up top but still grows

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It's an ok placement. Naturally. Being lower down, if it is getting less light it will just grow slower. But they're pretty undemanding. I have an Idaho grape monti literally growing on/in/out of the sandbed in the corner. It grows a lot slower than when I had it up top but still grows

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Do you know how long it will take to attach to the rock it is on?

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