IS this ick?


New member
Is this the beginning of ick? This morning I found a white spot on my purple tang.

If it is I am leaving for a two week vacation tomorrow. What should I do?


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From the bigger picture (the full fish) I would say that this is not ick. It looks too big. Do you see anything on the pectoral fins or the tail fin? From my experience with this particular fish, the fins show it first. This could just be shmutz or a rub mark or a bite mark...

What to do...Since these are ick prone to begin with I cannot say to do anything at this point because the treatment may bring on ick (that may not be there now) through stress.

Put a gun to my head and I'd say do either or both of the following: Temp and pH adjusted fresh water dip with methylene blue in it to keep Dori calm, hospital tank with copper sulfate.

I am curious to see what others say...
I agree, it looks big for ich. Not sure I would do anything at this point. Might be a spot of lymphocystitis, which could go away on its own. I certainly wouldn't do a fw dip, or even try netting the fish, unless you have a diagnosis that requires it. Throwing random treatments at a fish may cause more harm (through stress) than doing nothing.
I think its lymphocystitis in my experience that sh1t is like herpes it never goes away but the fish dont really mind it
I have a purple tang and sometimes it just bumps into things, leaving a small spot of tissue damage. I've seen mine get a spot or two like that occasionally, but it goes away so I wouldn't worry too much. Spectra thera foods have garlic which is a good non-invasive way to prevent ich in tangs, etc.