Is this ok for the fuge

harry r

New member
Ever since I added the pink plant grow LED light from menards in my fuge this stuff is growing like mad. I'm just wondering if it's ok since I can't seem to grow cheato. Will this do the trick like chaeto?

Please advise


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Looks like bubble algae. It is deemed a nuisance algae and if you break the bubbles it will release spores and spread. I'd be worried about it getting into display tank. At least it's easy to remove. Usually likes high nutrients,usually nitrate. It has something fueling it. It should help lower your levels though, with regular havesting. I'd just be very careful about it getting in your display.cheato can be finicky to grow. I used to grow it by the bucket full, now I grows slow if at all. My bio load is heavy and there are plenty of food for it. I can grow calerpa in my fuge and turf algae in my scrubber. Good luck with trying to get the cheato to grow, I never really found out why it grows or doesn't.
Volcano. Many tks for the information. Yea I thought it was bubble algie too but seem to remember someone saying it wasn't, but very close. So far nothing in the main tank. Yea it grows like mad. And yea I have high nitrates. Can't seem to get a handle on reducing them. But my fuge is very dirty. Might have to attack that sometime. But I did notice that the growth rate of this stuff increased dramatically when I added the new growth light. Was kinda hoping that was the reason.

Anyone have any idea if I remove all this stuff, will it really negatively affect my water health, relatively speaking?

Is the turf algae you talk about, really short haired almost like a Brillo pad? I have that too in the main tank and harvest that into the fuge.

Again tks
It is realativly short, but can. Get long and stringy. It is smooth feeling. Some other bad types feel rougher. Not saying turf is good, unless you run it in a scrubber. All algae will help with nutrient reduction. Some are just difficult to remove from display tank if they get in there. Most people choose cheato because it does little if it gets in display. Calerpa can go asexual and stop growing and can be a nuisance if it gets in display. Only thing that may play a part is different algaes may emitt something to not allow other algaes to grow, though I have seen many different types seem to co exist. There are many forms of algae, if you keep it all out of your display , they will all take up something. I think you'll get mixed options on taking it all out at once. Ideally you'd probably want it out eventually, idk if it would cause issues. I'd think you'd want something taking its place.
Volcano, many tks for all that good information.

dgenR8. I'm not really sure what you are saying "moved to the current forum" I thought this was the current forum. Sorry not here much if you changed things around and I did not catch it.