Is this serpent star a goner?


New member
I placed this serpent starfish in my tank 2 weeks ago. When it was first placed it in my tank it disappeared, only to reappear this morning looking like this...

What happened? Last weekend while looking for a better aesthetics, I moved my rocks around and I'm wondering if somehow it got crushed.

Will it recover? Its tentacles are moving.

It's now in the sump for easy retrieval, waiting to hear back.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.
It looks like someone chomped on him. What other livestock do you have?
(2)Ocellaris Clowns
(1)Powder Brown Tang
(5) Blue Green Chromis
(1) Coral Banded Shrimp
(1) Brittle Starfish
(1) diamond goby
(1) sharknose goby
dwarf hermits, nassarius and asterea snails.

I don't think I have anything that would do this damage.
Seastars tend to fall apart and/or explode like this due to acclimation issues. They are EXTREMELY sensitive to rapid changes in salinity and so should be acclimated to a new tank very, very slowly. Unfortunately, we generally don't know what acclimation took place at the wholesaler or retailer, so when we buy star, the damage may already be done. :(

Yes, they can survive significant damage, but I have never had one that had disk damage like that survive. But you can feed it small portions of meaty food (frozen krill, for example) and see if it can heal.

Good luck,