Is this what I think it is?

coral diver

Old & Wise
Can someone tell me the name of this guys, coraldepia tells me one thing and some local tell me something else


What is the real name!
same as above...I never got into buying a coral for the name, if its a nice coral that i think looks nice I buy it providing its not expensive. If it is expensive I just wait a few months for all the hype to die down and purchase for a fraction of the original price. One example, red hornets...used to be hundreds of dollars for 1 polyp, now you can buy several polyps for a hundred bucks. I still dont own any because I personally have never paid more than about $40 for a frag of anything. I think you should call them whatever you want, me...I just call them zoas

Well I wish that i can just give it a name and sell it for $500 per polyp LOL

I've asked this question time and time again, and the best that I've gotten is that's the name listed in Coralpedia, etc. But nobody has ever been able to say who came up with the "armor of god" name, etc. and who determines that the name should stick.
The very first example I ever heard of, and probably where it all started, is Blane Perun's "Purple People Eaters". It seemed to start there and just took on a life of its' own, even morphing into a marketing tool.
I say give it your own name, and sell it at whatever price you feel fair if your aim is to sell all or frags of it. Stand back a bit and just realize that's exactly what lots of people have done and none of them had a license issued by coralpedia to develop common names for zoanthid or palythoa color morphs.
There! I'll step off the soap box now.