It begins... 345 gal Starphire in-wall


In Memoriam
Here it is ladies and gentlemen. The build began Monday. Here's the first pics. I'll keep you updated. I'll have lots of questions as this goes along so I appreciate any and all feedback.

I'd like to thank everyone that's answered questions so far and the folks that I've been following over the last year especially Melev, Sanjay, jnarowe and more.

Tank Dimensions:
96" X 30" X 30"
Front Panel, Eurobracing and Cross Bracing: Starphire

And so it begins...

Pic 1
Caption: Full length, outside overflow 96" X 5" X 8" with 4 X 1 1/2" bulkheads

Pic 2
Caption: Side View

Pic 3
Caption: Front View

Pic 4 It's still there, no problem.

Pic 5
No caption but "Stunning isn't it!" is under it

Pic 6
No caption but under "A shot of the tank in February of this year."

Pic 7
Caption: Front Left

Pic 8
Caption: Front Right

Pic 9
Caption: Center

Pic 10
Caption: Center

Pic 11
Caption: Left View

Pic 12
Caption: Right View

Pic 13
Caption: Tank Done Rear

Pic 14
Caption: Tank Done Front
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For all the experts out there...

This is the back of the wall that the tank is going into. It's in the garage.

Opinions please. Do you thing I can start the build as is or do you think maybe it could be a bit more organized?

If more organized...what would you suggest?


I'm thinkin' front end loader and 60 yard dumpster here! :lol:
i suggest you just give me your compressor and whatever tools are in your way!that way you dont have to keep moving them around.
Throw away or giveaway what you don't use then go by a bunch of indusrial shelving. It allows you to pack a lot in a little space.

HMMMM... a drill press is about the only thing I don't have, although it's quite possible there's one buried under there that I don't know about!


Package arrived yesterday. Thanks

I'm thinking industrial shelving will rust over time. I think Rubbermaid might be the way to go here.

BTW tank builder said he should be done in about a week. Guess what I'm doing this weekend... YAHOO!

Ahh... that's not me nor my garage. That's the tank builders shop.

While we're on the subject of the tank builder...Please don't ask who it is or how to get in touch with him. He's pretty much retired and not interested in anymore business.



No. I like working with my hands but find it's much easier, faster and less frustrating hiring professionals. The money I would save doing it myself is not worth my time or my sanity.
Well since the tank won't be here for at least a week I'll post where this came from, is now and then we'll get on to where it's going. I know you voyeurs love pics, so here goes.

My current tank is an all glass 120 RR. I bought this used about 6 years ago and it was a FO tank until September of '05. I was having lots of stability problems mainly my fault as I would get into it and take good care of it and then I'd get po'd with it and let it lapse. During the lax times fish would perish and I would get frustrated. Then I found this site and started doing research.

I also started to spend more time at my LFS talking with them. They sell saltwater stuff but are honest when they don't know the answer and try to find out. They also introduced me to a local reefer CR0220. Chris has been great with all my questions and has helped me tremendously on this journey. This is what the tank looked like when I put the lighting on to start the conversion to reef tank.


Stunning isn't it! :lmao:

As time has progressed I've bought up a few setups from other Reef Central members that were breaking down and had equipment and/or livestock I was interested in.

A shot of the tank in February of this year.


And finally shots of where we're at today. Everything is stable and the inhabitants are fat and happy with not a lot of intervention from me.

I realize that it's not the best aquascaping or anything else, things have just been added willy nilly as acquired. That's one of the reasons for the new tank.

The current tank was an experiment to make sure I would be able to care for a larger system without having to spend a great deal of my life maintaining it but much time enjoying the view.

Front Left

Front Right


Left View

Right View

Next entry... philosphy of the new tank as well as equipment.
It's actually a juvenile emperor that's in the process of changing to it's adult coloration and no I've never seen it touch the corals
That's 30 inches wide? From the side it looks about 8 inches wide... unless im missing something.... but really nice frontal shots
No, those are pics of my current tank a 120 which is 18" wide. It's got corner overflows which makes it look less wide. New tank, pics at top is 30" wide