It lives!

Michelle L

New member
We're in the process of setting up our 240 reef, and this weekend we got it all plumbed. I posted progress pics in my gallery, if anyone would care to check it out. :)

The pipe to the far end of the tank that is capped off will be running to the skimmer as soon as it arrives. The tank was drilled and plumbed by our local reef store where we purchased the tank, which was originally undrilled.

I'll be posting updated pics as the tank progresses.
I finally read up on how to attach photos! :D Here is the setup as it sits now.


So when are you taking it home? I may be missing something here, but I don't see any unions in your plumbing:eek1: Is that a Dolphin return pump?
The only unions I chose to use were at the check valve should it need to be removed and cleaned. The ball valves will allow me to shut off circulation to the pump so that I could remove it should I need to. Otherwise, I didn't see any real need for them. I will be installing screens at the bulkheads so nothing can get into the PVC (snails, etc.), so I didn't see any reason to remove them unless I totally remodel the system later. If I need them for something I am unaware of, better tell me now because it's not glued together yet! :D

Yes, that's a Dolphin for a return pump from the sump (whee I made a rhyme!!). Next week or the week after we hope to order the Tunze 6100 kit for our main circulation within the DT.

It's being delivered on Friday evening. I'm stoked.
There should be a union between each ball valve and the pump in order to remove the pump (unless Dolphin integrates that into the inlet/outlet)