It was bound to happen


New member
I was cleaning some sandbed last night and didn't notice my longspined urchin was at the top of the tank. Moved my hand without looking and BAM! Urchin sting.

Just an FYI for those who have never been stung. It hurts like fire pain for a few minutes!!! Pain subsided pretty quickly, but it was certainly a shock!!

This has been a public service announcement. Mind your urchins!!!
happened to me last year. and yes it hurts. the spine was deep in my finger i had to goto the ER for them to cut my finger open and remove it.
got rid of the urchin right away
there great for keep algae under control
never had one, but my son loves them. every time we go to the LFS, he always wants to look at the "pokies"...
From he who gets them all the time...get whatever is left in the finger out way is real sharp needle...get it under the little black spot and dig it in a couple of will wish you had,,,if you haven't already!

Richard TBS
Needles are great for shallow spines. Other option is to beat with stick so it breaks up. Body will calcify and absorb the spine.
Needles are great for shallow spines. Other option is to beat with stick so it breaks up. Body will calcify and absorb the spine.

Ouch! LoL... I have had really deep ones take years to come I make sure to get them out asap!
I think I got it all out right after it happened. It was a small sting so I was able to pop it out like a zit.

Then quickly washed with soap and water as well as alcohol sterilized as well as I could because of aquarium bacteria.

All good today. Just a little red bump.

Isn't vinegar (or is it household ammonia?) recommended to help dissolve some chemical that creates the burning sensation?