It's Beginning to look alot like FISHMAS


New member

My eyes have glazed over, I have trouble sleeping, and I think I hear hoofprints on the roof. Then, I realize I was dreaming and it is still a week away. I am all geared up and ready to see all you club members, and eager to see some new faces as well. I can't wait to see the new frags, and corals you all will be bringing. Does anyone know the agenda other than the election that is taking place? I haven't been on in awhile and haven't kept up very much. I hope to see you all there!!!!!!! Jingle, Jingle. So you all better be good for goodness sake!


We don't want to invade the event with too much official "NCPARS" stuff so there isn't much of an agenda to the meeting. This is supposed to be a fun event, who wants to sit in a meeting.

We do have elections to get through so we'll be donig them..but not much else unless somebody there want's to open something for discussion.

I really need to start digging through my frags. I may have more to offer than I listed, but unfortunetely I normally spend most of the swap time talking to folks and not really trying to sell anything. I don't want to frag something I won't sell.

I wish I could have gotten my 90 back up before this swap. As always there are a ton of frags up for grabs on fragswapper.
BUMP!! Gotta keep the Fishmas spirit Alive! Only a few more days! You better get your coral trades done at fragswapper so someone else doesnt get what you want! There are alot of people who still have items left.



Speaking of the swap, as this will be my first one what all will I need to bring for the frags and stuff I intend to buy? Will a simple cooler or something be sufficient? Help for a n00b.
A cooler is fine or one of those styrofoam boxes they ship fish and corals in. Maybe a couple of those handwarmers, just in case it is cool or it gets cool later in the evening.
BUMP, Shimmy_yaz did you check out fragswapper yet and see whats available. Lots of goodies you might be interested and not only that alot of the items are from all over the state!


Merry Fishmas!!! and Happy Fragyear!

Todays the day!!!

Everyone have a safe trip. See ya's in a few hrs... I need to go whip the frag elves in line... :D