Its just a plain old red mushroom


New member
but its our first and I find them totally fascinating!!!


We (DH and I) bought a rock with about 12 of these on it about a week ago, I thought "how boring" until I got them home and realized how cool they are. The only problem now is that I want more, just like everything else in the tank..
The color is not to bad, infact I do not have alot of red in my tank so it might even look nice in your tank if your lacking red like me. Still if it is your first then no matter how boring it is to somone who has done this for a while it is still exciting to you.
There's nothing at all wrong with being excited about a 'plain' mushroom. I got a single red mushroom as a hitchhiker on a piece of LR, I looked into the tank this morning and was thrilled to see a tiny baby developing at the base.
i was fascinated by my first umbrella mushroom that was green and brown for 6.99 a polyp. your reds are beautiful
My first mushroom was a plain ol' red one too, and it still fascinates me. I actually get excited when I see a foot extending to make yet another baby shroom. I like that red shroom so much almost all of my other corals are shrooms.
I must interject... How much would you guys pay for a single red 'shroom, similar to above, one inch across, unmounted?

My LFS, actually a really nice store, with good quality specimens all throughout, is charging ten bucks for a single. Is that out of the norm?

Then again, he gave me a very smalll unmounted green, and a very small injured flourescent red, for free.
Its not a completely unfair price, but not a GOOD price by any stretch of the imagination. I wouldn't pay more than $6 - 8 for it. Heck, you can probably get someone on here to give you a couple for free if you pay for the shipping. They aren't exactly uncommon and they tend to multiply quickly.
ya they will keep on breading. i started with 3 4 mounths ago and now there is like 12 and some that i don't know about. they detach and flowt on to uther rock. give them light and they will grow. and i payed $3 a peice unmounted so not bad return.
Cigars all around!! DH and I are the proud parents of a baby mushroom!! One of the ones on the rock pictured above left us a new bundle of joy.

As for price, the rock I bought had 12 'shrooms on it of varying sizes for $39
Hey you know what. It's a beautiful shade of red. Lets hope you have great success and many babies.

Well, we just came home today with a beautifull purple mushroom, just one, but it was only $2.50 and a blue/orange ric. Pics to follow soon!
Uh oh... sounds like someone's got the shroom bug lol... soon you'll probably start considering a shroom and zoo tank. I have a feeling mine is headed that way.

$2.50 sounds like a great price. I wish the LFSs around here would have prices like that. Even single polyps of the ugliest of shrooms here go for $8 each. What did the ric cost you? Orange and blue ones here are about $25 - 30 for a single-mouthed polyp.
The ric was normally $20, but I got it for $10 because the LFS is having a BOGO free frag sale this weekend, which I would love to go back to today, but DH said no. :mad:
That *is* a great price. I got 3 ricordeas about the size of a quater for only $5.99! the boy at the local pet store seemed like he didn't really care and he just threw all three in for the price of one. I am super happy!
I got 3 ricordeas about the size of a quater for only $5.99! the boy at the local pet store seemed like he didn't really care and he just threw all three in for the price of one.

Man, it must be nice to have inept workers at LFSs. The ones around here try to rip you off. The one closest to here tried to sell a single polyp of yuma for $75, which is especially a rip off when you consider it wasn't exactly a rare color morph. The other fish store is just filled with jerks that act like you're bothering them when you you ask a question, or even try to buy something from them!

You both got great deals, I'm envious!
Yeah I got that deal from a store that is a chain. Pet Supermarket, Pet Co.. something like that. They don't get paid on commissions or anything so they don't try to rip you off. They could care less if you spend $1. or $1000. Pet store chains have their pros and cons I suppose.