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Green Sea Hares DO eat red Gracilaria. Both of mine wiped out a good 1/2-3/4 pound of it that I had left in the substrate.

Originally I added them to consume green hair algae and POSSIBLY eat the Gracilaria die off.

They did start with the die off but continued to mow the rest down soon there after.

Nobody I asked knew if they would eat RG or not and I didn't find anything online so I figured I'd share.
Green Sea Hares DO eat red Gracilaria. Both of mine wiped out a good 1/2-3/4 pound of it that I had left in the substrate.

Originally I added them to consume green hair algae and POSSIBLY eat the Gracilaria die off.

They did start with the die off but continued to mow the rest down soon there after.

Nobody I asked knew if they would eat RG or not and I didn't find anything online so I figured I'd share.

Which species of Red Gracilaria? Hayi, Parvispora, Tikvahiae etc?
Thanks for sharing, THEUNION1. Good to know.

Unlike the reef side, there are still a lot of gaps in available information, regarding marine planted tanks. Every time someone steps up and shares, we get a little closer to to having a clearer picture of what works and what doesn't.
I saw something on youtube in a doc i was watching. Theres a place in florida that breeds sea hares for scientific use. They feed them nothing but red gracilaria. They have huge tanks to grow it specifically to feed the sea hares.