IYHO-which is better lighting?

I am considering changing the lighting on my 90gal lagoon it serves the purpose of a refugium for the 180, however it contains my pair of bicinctus clowns and there plethora of anemones,as well as a mimic tang and lots of macroalgae growing on the live rock and spots of bryopsis growing on the tank walls . There is some anthelia and xenia and a couple soft corals.
The lighting now is a couple of 55 watt pc's and a 250 Iwaski 6700 k halide.
I am thinking about changing it all over to either 96 watt 10k pc with corresponding act 03 pc or going with t-5's ... Which way would go?... Thanks for your input.
Jim, I would consider the T-5's. Im MY experence PC's have been the root to algea problems. I have seen the T-5's and the pack a punch!!! I am thinking of them for my refuge/ prop/.sump for the 220.
I've always heard lower spectrums are better as far as macro algae, and refuge goes... but if its mostly a softy tank... is there anything you're not happy with in regards to your current lighting? Or is this asthetic?

Wouldn't you want pcs over your refuge if you feel they encourage algae growth...?
I am currently using a PC for my reguge but am not too happy with the results. My macro grows vell but I also have green hair too and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to win the war .... I think N.O would do better.
I would stick w/ the MH and Iwasaki. The bulb is the PAR king, nothing else comes close, and it will grow algae well, as well as corals. You're also far more efficient using 200 some odd watts of HID lighting than 200-some odd watts of Flourescent (any variety).

- Mac
Although nothing really compares the iwasaki in terms of PAR punch. t5's are watt for watt comparable to MH. IT really comes down to bulb vs bulb as to which is more powerful. Also, since T5 bulbs last longer the replacement costs come out close to a wash as well.

If you can do it I would replace the two PC's with t5's but leave the metal halide. You've already invested in the iwasaki.