January FMAS General Meeting- January 27, 2015


Active member
Please join us this month at our General Meeting as we kick off the new year with a very important topic surrounding our hobby.

There is a conservative initiative being organized by NOAA and the National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) to list 66 species of stony corals under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). While as a hobby we support conservation some of the data has created controversy, and could have a very negative impact on our hobby. :hammer:

Julian Sprung is one of many involved in advocating for our hobby. Please come and share a very educational evening with him, and your local fish heads. :bounce3:


This months raffle will be out of this world. I hear Bobby has gathered a few items you wont want to miss. Did someone say APEX items??? :idea: :dance::dance:


Tuesday January 27, 2015, 7pm, at South Plantation High School.

Google- ESA coral/NOAA initiative for more info on this topic.
Haven't been able to attend a meeting in quite awhile, but I'll definitely be attending this one. In my opinion, this was one of the most important topics of 2014 and something all serious hobbyist should be highly concerned about! Glad we have such great talent pool locally to spearhead such topics.
Haven't been able to attend a meeting in quite awhile, but I'll definitely be attending this one. In my opinion, this was one of the most important topics of 2014 and something all serious hobbyist should be highly concerned about! Glad we have such great talent pool locally to spearhead such topics.

Bandomo- Ive been mentioning this topic for a few years now. Look it up. I attended the first town hall meetings at NSU with NOAA a few years ago, and actively spoke up.

Non serious hobbyist are only worried about their "brown flower/zoo, or there green star polyp/menace" And its understandable. For many, this is just one of those phases folks go through in there lives where they want to participate in a hobby, but cant actually commit.

For those of us that are not in that "chi..chi" group and actually care about this hobby, this is a very important topic. It has very important consequences going forward......
I just heard from our raffle guru Bobby that one of the raffle items for the January meeting will be a full Apex system WITH an additional EB4 AND an AFS system. This is Neptunes Automatic Feeding System. Not bad..$1 can get you a chance to win a ~$1000 system. Hmmmmmm, $20 membership, add $1 raffle ticket, possibly win a very noce prize... NO BRAINER

YES- you have to be a member to join the raffle.


You guys just might have gotten a break on me winning goodies in the raffle. The meeting falls on my wedding anniversary :(
Marvin, I'm sure your wife would understand... besides, wouldn't you want to take her out to dinner on the weekend so you don't have to rush? =D