

Premium Member
I have a 150G tank 72x20x24. I was hoping to setup an ideal home for some Yellow headed Jawfish. I have about 300LBs of Southdown live sand. I was thinking I would need about 200LBs more, but I was thinking what kind should I get? I was also going to order 50LBs of live rock rubble so I would have lots of things for the fish to build with. About how many Yellow headed Jawfish could you put in a 150G? I was thinking some where in the number of 7-10, but from what I just readed in your paper thats a few to many. Please advise me on anything I am missing.

Hey Kc189. FYI... Henry just left Friday for a dive trip in Florida. He's not scheduled to return until June 1st. So... it may possibly be awhile before he is able to answer. He may (or may not) have internet access.
thank skip :)

sounds like a neat tank.

i'd concentrate on getting larger rubble as SD sand really is a poor sand for use in a jawfish aquarium. give serious consideration into making the homes yourself as well if you wish to use mostly SD sand. try to make 3 holes for every pair of fish. 7 or 8 jawfish would make a good startign point, with additions or subtractions as needed to ensure pairs.

