JBJ Nano Cube 28 Set Up Advice Needed


New member
I have been out of the hobby for a few years, but now my young son want to help me set up a reef tank and I think it will be a good project for us to do together. The last tank I had was a JBJ nanocube 28 CF Quad that I had some soft corals and LPS in. I still have the tank and I am wanting to set it back up. I have an in tank brand upgraded filter system and two koralia nano powerheads. Other than that everything is factory on the tank. I am wanting to set it up with a couple of fish and some soft corals. I am just looking for advice on setup of the tank as well as some nice upgrades for the tank. Should I change out the factory return pumps or just use the factory ones? Just wanting some good advice so I can get a game plan together before I set it up in a couple months. Thanks.
Too bad nobody replied to this... I'm setting up a JBJ 28 LED Intermediate next week. Doing the same as you, a few small fish and soft corals. I've been tankless for over 10 years.
Check out this thread for filtration recommendations. I personally use a skimmer and nothing else for filtration. Nothing mechanical.

The return pump, I wouldn't bother to replace it, unless you're having temperature issues and can isolate it to that pump. I used my factory pump till the day it died, after 2 years, then replaced it with a maxijet 900.

Check out some of the builds around these parts, plenty of advice around.

Good luck.
Thanks for the advice. I have the tank cycling now. It has been set up for around 5 weeks and I believe the cycling is about complete according to the testing I am doing. SO far everything is factory except for I upgraded to the in tank media basket. I am hoping to start adding some fish in a couple weeks. I added some Zooanthids last week and they seem to be doing well so far.
I lied!

I lied!

I told you I was going with the same set up and then changed last minute when my LFS had a Biocube32 LED in stock.
5 weeks of cycling!? I had 2 LFS tell me I was ready to go in 7 days. I used 20 lbs of live sand and 20lbs of live rock. Seed every day for a week and I already have a fish ;)

I will get some pic posted tonight. I think I am a bit overkill on the cycle time, but I wanted to make sure everything was good and established before I added fish.
5 weeks is a normal cycle time if you used dry rock. If you used mostly established live rock the cycle will be closer to a week.
I used dry rock. I had a tank a few years ago and broke it down. I cleaned and cured the old rock and I am using it in the new system.