JBJ or IM?


New member
Looking at getting a nano.... looking at the dimensions and what I want out of the tank, two tanks stick out, the JBJ Nano 30gal RL and the IM 25gal Fusion Lagoon.... (and to a lesser extent the IM 40gal NUVO, but that might be a bit big for what I want)

My question is this, currently are there any drastic quality differences between these two tanks and/or companies? Like is one of the tanks so hazard fraught that I shouldn't even look at it and just go with the other?

Thanks in advanced!

I owned the JBJ 30 RL for 3 years. My biggest gripe was the rounded Glass corners, good luck keeping those clean :/ It was a decent size tank with a good size display, I liked the height of the Stand. As for Quality its Great, I would upgrade the included Return pumps for better flow but allot of Room in the back, I was growing Cheato with a Magnafuge and most Nano Skimmers fit, as well InTank makes Media baskets for them.

As for IM, just stay away from the Rounded corner 16G Nuvo. They typically have a smaller width between the false wall and Glass, limiting your options of mechanical filtration. Then again I have only had a 16 Nuvo, and 10 Fusion. I don't know about the Nuvo 40.