Jebao DCT 12000 vs Mag drive 24

I've had a dct 12000 break down on me in less than 3 months and the company wasn't responding to my emails...... that said I've had multiple Mag Drive pumps through the years they just don't fail on me they may start making noise after a certain point but they don't break down
I don't even think it's a fair vs. battle because the Jebao is energy efficient and controllable. Quality wise the Mag has it beat but you can get pretty good results from the Jebao with routine maintenance. The Mag could run maintenance free for longer periods but they do also break. I had alot of issues with Mags with heat and impellers randomly breaking.
I run a dct12000 and have run a dc12000 both pumps have been very dependable though when i decide to upgrade am looking into the vectra L1 even though it has more options than i will ever use maybe eco tech should look at a pump the same size with less options for those who dont want or even need could poss get the price down to the affordable range just a thought
I am running a Vectra M1 currently, but before that I was running the Mag 24. The Mag 24 is a tough pump. It is built to last, but it produces a ton of heat. It is also very very loud. It cannot be used in your stand in the living room. The 24 is a garage/sump room pump. I am sure the DC1200 is similar to my M1. The soft start feature is a must. When the Mag 24 starts, it pushes water very violently, and it scares the crap out of my fish. Not a problem with DC pumps.
do u like it?? do you feel that it gives you the return you need

Yup. I'm pretty happy with it. I've been running it since I got it in a group by. It's not that great with head pressure. But then again I'm not trying to run everything off of it. Some people expect their return to do the work of their power heads. I rely on power heads for that :)