jebao return pumps

anyone have any experience with these pumps?
After the renovation I'm thinking of upgrading my return pump and would really like a DC pump. 150g tank with sump directly underneath. think the DCP-8000 is a good pump?
anyone have any experience with these pumps?

After the renovation I'm thinking of upgrading my return pump and would really like a DC pump. 150g tank with sump directly underneath. think the DCP-8000 is a good pump?

I had a Jabeo DC 12000 for about 5 years before it quit on me. Worked fine for the time I had it even tho I did not clean it like I should have. I have a 150 gal DT plus sump below. Replaced it with Jabeo DCT-15000 that has been running since Jan 2018. Very strong output - usually only run at 1/2 power or less. I like DC - very little heat transfer & low power consumption. Probably not the longest lasting pumps, but work well for me and even if I replace every few years I still save money.
I wonder if I should look to the 10000 instead of the 8000. I am going to run a manifold with outputs to a couple reactors. I'd rather turn it down rather than not have enough power.
I wonder if I should look to the 10000 instead of the 8000. I am going to run a manifold with outputs to a couple reactors. I'd rather turn it down rather than not have enough power.

Yes that was my thought when I purchased, too. I would rather have a little more power and the price difference is not that much. Don't like to push at peak load 24/7.

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I am on my third jebao dc return pump, the mag9 I run alongside them still runs perfectly.
They are great budget pumps, and the low power usage/cool temperature is great, but have a spare pump on hand.
I had one that ran for a little over a year. Quit unexpectedly and I have not purchased another one since.
I've always had them. As long as you maintain them, they can last a long time. You should get two, not just for spare, but also to avoid downtime when you are doing maintenance.
I've always had them. As long as you maintain them, they can last a long time. You should get two, not just for spare, but also to avoid downtime when you are doing maintenance.

I have a mag drive 9 for spare for that reason. Just would love to have the control-ability