JEBAO RW 15 vs JEBAO wp40

Have the rw15's 2 in my 90 if i turn it up to led 5 or 6 it creates a wave that crosses my center brace and tosses water out.
I'm running 2 rw15 in my 180 which replaced wp40..... The rw are a bit smaller but have a wider spread, the wp have a more focused stream. Also the available modes and power adjustments of the rw series are way better than the wp. Again power is not lacking I can send a 3" wave across a 6' tank and over the top if not careful
The rw series is more like the mps. The pump is slighter smaller than the wp. The flow is wider unlike a straight stream. Believe there's a few more option in settings as % of flow and your able to have a master and slave.