

New member
After my recent trip to the Shed Aquarium I had a change of heart on the 47Gallon FOWLR tank I purchased live rock from you all for on my last trip. Saturday I was in the store and picked up a PFO 250 pulse start retro (the 14k Hamilton bulb was on back order) for the tank. I have decided instead of the FOWLR tank I would be much happier with a clown anemone tank. I am in the market for a mated pair of healthy maroon clowns and was wondering if you might be able to get me a good set. If a mated pair is unavalabe I would settle for two at the right age and or size to begin mating in my tank. My tank is fully cycled and ready for life. If you can get two healthy specimens please give me first dibbs on them or if you could give me a time frame on when you would have some avaliable I would appreciate it. I am also seeking a RBTA for the tank. Also noone in the store on Saturday had an exact idea on when the Hamilton 14K 250 would be back in stock. I already paid for it and the shipping charge when I picked up the retro kit on Saturday. Hope you had fun in Florida, the weather sucked here as usuall!

Shane Wise
P.S. the Regal Angel in the shop looked great. That was the first one I have ever saw in real life, they didn't even have one at the Shedd unless I missed it!!
Hey Shane,,

The lamps should be in within about a week. I would look for them to arrive right at about a week from today actually. That setup should be perfect for that type of biotope you are setting up.

It's pretty easy to get a nice pair of maroons right now. I'm doing some livestock ordering today and I will get them on order for you.

I will be on the lookout for the RBTA as well!
