JF Bloodshots looking for advice polyps not opening.


New member
Hey guys,

So i just got a frag of JF Bloodshots, and i have them under t5's moderate light and medium flow and they aren't opening anyone have any advice on these this is the first time ive had them. I have check all my parameters and everything is right in line. Just wondering if anyone has any advice on how to keep these guys as they aren't cheap and don't want to loose them


imo those "jfbloodshots" are touchy. i have yet to find a good spot in my tank for them. as of today mine are in med flow with pretty bright light and they are looking pretty happy but well see.
Thats what I was reading when researching a little more on it last night some people say they are like Darth mauls, just want to give it the best shot at survival thanks for the input
I must be lucky mine are always open...they are on a frag stand 1/3 of the way up the tank a power head is above it somewhat so no true flow,so ide say mine get light flow....maybe try and put them on the sand bed in a little bit of shade