Join me at the Chili's Care Center this Sunday


New member
Anyone wishing to help with the aquarium on Sunday at 12AM feel free to come by.
We'll be cleaning up the back room and making everything ready for the opening on Tuesday. We'll also be transporting fish and coral, as well as some tanks and dry goods.
I will need probably two people as divers for getting things in the tank all squared away. You will be mounting corals and placing the last pieces of live rock in.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a diver you MUST come clean! Shower before arriving and wrinse all soap and hair products from your person THOROUGHLY! I'm arranging for showers to be available later to wrinse the saltwater off. Bring a change of cloths.
If time allows we'll see about cleaning up the lab in the Danny Thomas Research tower where all the coral and fish are being held now.
If we have a big turnout like last time then this should go pretty quick.
Thanks everyone,
Barrett , if the opening and the Open house at the center is the same is Thursday from 1p.m. to 4 p.m. ..that is what my invitation says on the volunteer emails. I just thought if you were thinking the open house is tuesday , this would give you 2 days to breathe.
Im in... ill have to let u know later wether i need a ride... my parents will be at church but murloo's mom may be able to take us.
Im in... ill have to let u know later wether i need a ride... my parents will be at church but murloo's mom may be able to take us.
I mean 12 noon.
Alright, basically we'll need to break up into three groups. One group will be in the aquarium, placing the last pieces of rock, gluing in coral, and leveling out the sandbed, as-well-as cleaning off the inside of the acrylic.
Another group will be working with the tank crew handing them corals, fish, rock, and mixing the cement to modeling clay consistency.
The third crew will be cleaning up, organizing, and moving.
Keaton and Marylynne, if you need a ride there let me know and I'll put you to work helping me get all the coral out of my tank at home and transporting it to the site.
If anyone was planning on getting a 55G barrel sunday would be the best time to get it... and assist in the tank work.
Forgot the most important part of all. Probably two people will need to be videographers. One with the tank crew and the other with the moving crew.
I definitely will not be able to come this weekend so if anyone else would like those 55g barrels that is cool.
Hindsight being 20/20 I realize now that I need dive masks. If anyone has a mask please bring it. We'll need 3.