July Meeting!


New member
Who wants to host it? I kind of split the difference with holding the June in Atoka. Should the July be in Jackson or Memphis? What should we discuss?
Should we even discuss anything? Maby just have a get together and make it a social? Maby a cook out with alcohol and food? Spouse and kid friendly?
Should we have it at a resturant and make a night of it?
Also, would anyone like to move the meetings to Sunday's occasionally to free up a Saturday night? Or a Friday?
These are what I'm pondering going into our 2nd meeting of the now 2 year old club.
So please, leave comments or suggestions here or PM them to me.
Thanks everyone!
I say cookout or restaurant.

I will bring tequila and adult entertainment...wait...that is for the other meeting. I guess I can bring cold drinks and some chicken or burgers.