Just added a remote DSB,couple ???'s


New member
Yesterday I added a 4" DSB to a section of my sump. Do I need to add sand sifting critters in that section?(ie. nassarius, etc.) Also, how deep should it be, is 4"-5" enough, it is a 12" x 12" area.

Any help is appreciated.

You want to give the sand some time to mature before you start adding potential predators or detritus eaters.

I'm thinking of adding a DSB in a bucket, plummed into the return from my frag system into the main system. Hmmmmm. I hate new plumbing projects.:) I love my barebottom tank, but I need some more biologic filtration.
What I like about the bucket is that if you want to remove the sand from the system it is a simple matter of unhooking whatever plumbing is connected to the bucket and tada, removed!