Just an Idea fot the clun STARTS...


New member
Since there are alot of members in STARTS, why not charge $20.00 per yr. to become a member, an official member of STARS. This extra cash can be use for the club since we have a treasury; we should not have a problem of keeping track of the cash. Also if the club needs to buy anything ei. fragtank for the club, STARTS webpage updates etc. the club has some funds and members can vote at the meetings to approve it. Also a membership card that will provide discount with LFS.:spin3:

club* clun
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i think the thread loses all credibility for FOT THE CLUN STARTS , hahahaha. not a terrible idea, just be hard with who is an active member or a casual member, and we want anyone to be on here either or.
thanks miguel for sharing your ideas! i like the ideas of a discount card maybe that could be something to bring up at the next meeting. i am not a big fan of member dues, just because.

but thanks for sharing your ideas and hopefully you can make it to the next meeting.