Just for FUN: biggest colony thread!


New member
Let's see some big 'ol colonies! Who's got the biggest one?

Mine started from two polyps 7 months ago and has been fragged several times to circulate it through the local community.

Rose Nebulas. Last counted between 60-70 polyps :)

Well since it is just for fun This is my 180 before I removed all the palys which were taking over. I never even thought about trying to count them lol.
In approximately 22 months I went from 5 polyps to 2852 and my largest colony was just over 1500 if I remember correctly.
And so...did anyone do anything special to get their colony's to grow like this??? I have just started with 3 heads and it would be great if I could see some growth based on what has been done before.
Well I would say the experiment was a success :lol:

Thanks but the tank crashed eventually but I am not upset because it was the most enjoyable tank I have ever had and I spent my time enjoying each part of the process.

Maybe I will try again one day.
And so...did anyone do anything special to get their colony's to grow like this??? I have just started with 3 heads and it would be great if I could see some growth based on what has been done before.

Good steady water and patience. Some grow faster than others. I'm sure people have some cool tricks to help speed it up .
target feeding definitely helps IMO. But it also depends on which zoa/paly some just seem to grow much faster. Paly's in general but My greens and pinks seem to grow faster than the reds and blues.

Eagle eyes grow pretty fast for me, got my first new mowhawk polyp since I got the frag 2 months ago, sunny D's havent done anything in 2 months but have had some snail stress. Pandoras seem to grow pretty quickly.

I treat them all the same though, target feed twice a week with something meaty mixed with plankton, and sometimes I add a 3rd feeding of just plankton(reef chilli or 2littleFishes) to the water column with the skimmer off and let everything filter feed.

I also dose Red Sea ABC+ to keep my cal levels where I want them. ~400
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Belogs to AJ Oswood.
110 Gal., no mechanical filtration and a refugium with Chaetomorpha.
Found the pics on the web by accident.

Not giant colonies by any means but I really like the growth I have gotten so far off of them, especially the large purple/orange skirt zoanthids, I glued a small frag onto this rock below only 4 months ago and the rock isn't even visible anymore. They are by far my fastest growers, glad I like the way they look!




Separate combo rock I picked up for $35, picture was taken soon after purchase
