just got a 265g perfecto w/corner overflows, recomended equipment?


New member
skimmer? thinking of maybe a asm g-4x. want something that will do the job well

sump? maybe a aga model 4

return pump? mag 18? or need bigger. dont really want an external pump

power heads? how many? what brand and size?
korilla's? maxi jets?

plumbing? 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 drains? 3/4 return?

NOT going to drill for a closed loop

ozonizer? need it or not? i do want a crystal clear rank

carbon reactor? need or not?

will get a ca reactor later

lights? thinking of 2- 250w mh one each end and a 400w mh in center w/ 4- 6' vho super acintics and moonlights. the mh will be pfo se bulbs and ballast


this tank is going to be in the lobby of my business so everything MUST fit under the stand, and the tank needs to look clean and clear all the time.
i dont think an asm is your best choice if you want the tank crystal clear. id get a much bigger better skimmer maby that new reeflo 250 skimmer or a bubble king. an ati bm250 could also be a good choice for you as its not that big. or you could go all out and get a bubble king skimmer. i dont no much about ozone but if you run a good skimmer and some carbon you should be fine. good luck
Congrats on tank purchase!

ASM G4X is a decent choice, but I like my H&S better. As for the sump, dont buy a pre-made, just buy the biggest tank you can fit under the stand, it'll probably be cheaper and better.

Mag18 maybe a little big for an under tank sump, but it depends on what size sump you can fit under there. I am not a big fan of running more flow through the sump than the skimmer is rated to process per hour.

As far as flow in the tank, Korallias are probably ok, but I am a Tunze fan. Maxijets are going to be underpowered for such a large tank.

Plumbing size will be determined by Perfecto's overflow kits. Just match up to whatever their kits are, you'll be fine.

Ozone, Carbon and CA can wait a while.

Lighting plan sounds more than sufficient

Heating needs will be tough to calculate, I dont think you are going to need much. If anything you will need a chiller to keep the temp down from all the lighting.
I just bought the same tank.

Skimmer will be an ATI bubble master 250.

Lighting will be 3x175 halides and 2x160 vho actinics (I think this is a bit undersized, but its what I have and I don't want to rebuy lighting right now).

Return will be a Velocity T4 (approx 1000gph at 4'). All drains and returns are 1". This is an external pump though, so probably not for you.

In tank flow will be 4xtunze 6100s on a controller. No closed loop.

No ozone (never used it, never needed it).

I'm undecided on heating/cooling right now. You sound like you might need a chiller with those lights. I'd still try fans first.

If I want to run carbon I'll just throw a bag in the sump. Nothing fancy. I only use it occasionally.

For my sump I'm using my old sump (30x16x16) and another tank (30x18x16) plumbed into it. I couldn't get a big sump into the stand (the perfecto prestige stand) so I'm plumbing two smaller sumps together.