New member
skimmer? thinking of maybe a asm g-4x. want something that will do the job well
sump? maybe a aga model 4
return pump? mag 18? or need bigger. dont really want an external pump
power heads? how many? what brand and size?
korilla's? maxi jets?
plumbing? 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 drains? 3/4 return?
NOT going to drill for a closed loop
ozonizer? need it or not? i do want a crystal clear rank
carbon reactor? need or not?
will get a ca reactor later
lights? thinking of 2- 250w mh one each end and a 400w mh in center w/ 4- 6' vho super acintics and moonlights. the mh will be pfo se bulbs and ballast
this tank is going to be in the lobby of my business so everything MUST fit under the stand, and the tank needs to look clean and clear all the time.
sump? maybe a aga model 4
return pump? mag 18? or need bigger. dont really want an external pump
power heads? how many? what brand and size?
korilla's? maxi jets?
plumbing? 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 drains? 3/4 return?
NOT going to drill for a closed loop
ozonizer? need it or not? i do want a crystal clear rank
carbon reactor? need or not?
will get a ca reactor later
lights? thinking of 2- 250w mh one each end and a 400w mh in center w/ 4- 6' vho super acintics and moonlights. the mh will be pfo se bulbs and ballast
this tank is going to be in the lobby of my business so everything MUST fit under the stand, and the tank needs to look clean and clear all the time.