Just got back from our Miami vacation...


New member
....and tour of some of the stores down there. We printed the Excel sheet before we left so we would know what was nearby as we traveled throughout the Miami area.

Wow! You guys are lucky to have so many stores and some really great livestock. For the most part prices are great compared to us in Philly.

So best store mascot was definitely the dog at Doral Aquarium & Reptile. He had this huge head for such a little body!

The tank at Atlantis Aquarium has got to be the most beautiful tank either of us has ever seen in person. The folks there were good about letting us take our time and roam around when we showed up 10min before closing too.

But by far the best customer service we recieved was at Reef Aquariums II on Bird Rd. Henry is a great guy and spent a lot of time just talking with us about the hobby in general and life in Florida. We saw some of the tanks he builds and if your looking for something custom I would recommend him in a second.

We had a great trip and will definitely be back to see more of the great things South Florida has to offer....and of course to try and complete the LFS list!
We are coming up to your neck of the woods this week.
Flying into Philly and going to Atlantic City.
Are there any stores you would recommend for us to visit?
Well I would definitely recommend East Coast Aquatics...it is the closest to the airport. If you have time then I would go and check out Something Fishy and if you have a lot of time (to drive) then I would suggest taking the ride to That Pet Place.

Good luck at the casinos!