Just what the heck are these worms?


FMAS Webmaster
Premium Member

These have come to cover every inch of sand in my 90g. They're about 1-2 inches long and usually look red. They grab fallen food in their tentacles. Occasionally they crawl up the glass like this one, sometimes to spawn. What are they exactly and does anything eat them?
hey when i came over and serviced your tank, you asked and i told you know that they are spaghetti worms. totally harmless but interesting.
they were annoying when i had them in my tank, lucky for me i had only one. i put it in my fuge and it still annoyed me so i flushed it. :)
What creepy lookin things they are. I'm sure that a wrasse would eat them all up very quickly if you don't want them.
I don't mind them, especially if they're beneficial and part of the cleanup crew. But I do prefer a balance, so they don't proliferate like they have.