kalk in top off water


Premium Member
It would seem like a easy method to add kalk.
But there must be some reason to not add it directly to water top off tank.

It would seem that you could just put a pump in the tank and have it on a timer that goes on and off. And of course a seperate pump to work the float switch demand.
I use a gravity fed topoff, and I do mix my kalk in the autotopoff tank, the only problem is eventually it will clog up the hose that runs to your tank. It would also reek havic on pumps and things due to the PH, and high levels of CA, but it has always been fine for me.

I stopped using kalk 6 months ago, I was using a 5 gal kent drip, PIA. It also seemed to clog my tunze impellers. But as thing go I would like to try again.

The pump issue seems like the real problem, but there are several manufactures that make a pump stir chamber, are we to assume that this type will clog.

It does seem logical that a magnetic stirrer would be better but I have no experience with either.
It may be a bigger problem for me because I have 30 feet of airline (to feed the topoff water) between my topoff container and my tank, but i have to replace that every 6 months-1 year.

My topoff water is gravity fed so I don't know how big of a problem the pump will be. Somebody told me they had been using an aqualifter pump for 2 years though, just don't be suprized if it freezes.
