Keep It Simple Frag Tank?

Jay Fortay

Uber Member
I have a 20 gallon long with a good light fixture for it just sitting dry on my back porch. I would like to set up a softy frag tank with it, mostly ricordea. Would it be possible to run this tank with no bioload in it, bare bottom with just lots of rock rubble covering the bottom for new babies to attach to? I would like to see if I could keep it as simple as possible. would no mechanical filtration, and no skimmer be okay? I really want just the light, and a powerhead running for circulation. I could do water "exchanges" with 5-7 gallon a week changes from my mostly SPS/ricordea reef system, and possibly have some macro in the tank for further nutrient export. I would really like to avoid having a sump. let me know what you think. I though since rics and other softies liked the water to have a little more dissolved organics, the water from my main display would be good to change the frag tank water with.
You may want to have some kind of filter....a small HOB would do. You should especially be fine if your doing water changes every week.
I am thinking some kind of Aquaclear with some carbon in it. I wouldn't put regular filter media in it as it may create a nitrate farm.
I am not the expert on moded HOB's but on such a small tank it is definitely a good idea. Hopefully someone else will chime in.
Carbon would be a good idea, I know a lot of people use the modded HOBs as refugiums, since this tank will be no frills, and not for looks I can basically make part of it a refugium anyway. but a HOB may be good If I need to run different chemicals from time to time. I have a small sealife systems skimmer that I can run in the tank if popular opinion sees that as being a beneficial idea. I haven't completely ruled out getting the tank drilled and doing a sump, but I really want to keep the startup cost down.
That is an awesome mod, but I don't need a fuge. I can grow chaeto in the main frag tank. this is not a display, it is to be purely functional.
Aaaa, completely forgot.
Maybe you don't even need a filter, providing you will have plenty of chaeto. For a setup like this I would maybe check out the DIY thread or inquire there.