Keeping Chaetomorpha

Par38 led at 5000k color temp is what I use, I keep mine in the overflow side so that it gets its flow that way conning out of the drains, it's always been happy and grows well, I just grab a hand full , rip it off and throw the rest away come trimming timec
I kept the light on mine 24/7. Whenever it got out of hand I'd throw some to the tang. I'd take a handful probably 2x a week but I kept about a melon size ball of it going.
how often do you trim it and did you run the light reverse photoperiod?
I use the reverse photoperiod method, to attempt to balance of the pH. I can't say there's been a specific time for trimming, maybe ever 2-3 weeks. I think it depends on your nutrient levels and size of your sump
Keep mine in fuge area with a small 300gph power head blowing down at it, between the current at the surface and the power head it tumbles constantly. I start with a baseball size chunk after trimming and end up with a basketball size after a month or two. Because mine is spinning, I get a tighter clump so it is really the size of a large watermelon. Run my par 38 5k led from 9pm to 3am.
Is the trimming part necessary? Is it you don't want it to get too big or is it because the chaeto can release back the nutrients?