Kelp ????

Sargassum sp.
i've never had luck keeping it alive for more than
a month. hopefully you have better luck.
RicksReefs said:
Sargassum sp.
i've never had luck keeping it alive for more than
a month. hopefully you have better luck.

Thanks. It's thriving. Going on 5 months now. Any idea how to propogate it?

Hi Ted,

Every time I've taken a cutting of Sargassum and tried to move it somewhere else, the cutting died. I'm not sure if it needs to have a holdfast to survive or what the deal it is. You might want to try taking a small cutting and rubber banding it down to a rock horizontally and see if it forms new rhizoids.

Good luck,
sargassum roots

sargassum roots


Kevin is right, sargassum seems to anchor on the rock I had a kelp forest in my tank. I had to remove 80lbs of rock is was out of control in my main tank. I noticed that it seems to grow better under metal halides than the pc lamp I have on my mudd filter.
The sargassum absorbs the nutrients in my tank alot quicker than caulerpa, I took a couple of rocks filled with sargassum & put it in my sump under pc lamp & it is growing but not as fast as under halides.
