New member
I have been back in this hobby for about 3 years now and for whatever reason, I never made a practice of testing brand new salt freshly mixed.
So in the last month I have been trying to battle and get rid of GHA and have eliminated it by vacuuming sandbed and doing water changes each week. I have lowered my nitrates to 5ppm and phosphates to .02.
But...here is my problem. I have noticed I have struggled to keep my all consistent since beginning my water changes so I decided to test a fresh batch of salt at 1.025 on a refractometer. The salt I have been using is Kent Marine Reef Salt. I measured the dKh using a Hanna checker the converts to dKh.
My first measurement came out at 16dKh.
I dumped it thinking I messed up so I did it again. I got a measurement of 16.2 dKh a second time.
Rather than just assume the salt was jacked, I threw away the reagents as I had been using reagent that was several months old...wasn't expired though.
Ordered 4 bottles of the reagent and just tested a new batch of mixed salt at 1.025 again it tested at 14.7 dKh. I tested again and it tested at 14.7 with a new test.
So my question is this. Do I assume the newly purchased salt that I have is bad? I went and calibrated my refractometer and it is spot on.
I'm freaking out because I have been melting any monti, digis or any SPS I have tried to put in my tank and hadn't in previous tanks. My dKh of my main tank is at 8.5 dKh currently.
Looking for advice
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So in the last month I have been trying to battle and get rid of GHA and have eliminated it by vacuuming sandbed and doing water changes each week. I have lowered my nitrates to 5ppm and phosphates to .02.
But...here is my problem. I have noticed I have struggled to keep my all consistent since beginning my water changes so I decided to test a fresh batch of salt at 1.025 on a refractometer. The salt I have been using is Kent Marine Reef Salt. I measured the dKh using a Hanna checker the converts to dKh.
My first measurement came out at 16dKh.
I dumped it thinking I messed up so I did it again. I got a measurement of 16.2 dKh a second time.
Rather than just assume the salt was jacked, I threw away the reagents as I had been using reagent that was several months old...wasn't expired though.
Ordered 4 bottles of the reagent and just tested a new batch of mixed salt at 1.025 again it tested at 14.7 dKh. I tested again and it tested at 14.7 with a new test.
So my question is this. Do I assume the newly purchased salt that I have is bad? I went and calibrated my refractometer and it is spot on.
I'm freaking out because I have been melting any monti, digis or any SPS I have tried to put in my tank and hadn't in previous tanks. My dKh of my main tank is at 8.5 dKh currently.
Looking for advice
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