Kent Tech-M causing skimmer foam collapse


New member
Since adding Kent Tech-M to tackle Bryopsis, my skimmer (Deltec SC1351) has not recovered. It has been about 36 hours. Should I just wait it out? Bryopsis is melting, but also using biopellets and vinegar, with GFO.

Does anyone have some suggestions? Should I just wait and monitor PO4 and NO3 until the Bryopsis is gone to make sure nothing crazy is happening?

The pH swing is 7.91 at night to 8.33 at midday (with vinegar during the pH peak to keep it close to 8.3). So a little worried about the CO2 swings.

Tank is a 24 gallon nano. Running Hydra 26HD for the DT and two Tunze 8850 LEDs on reverse cycle for a caulerpa reactor.

Current parameters listed below.

SG 1.026 (Milwaukee digital)
Mg is at 1745ppm (averaged between 1650 on Elos and 1840 on Red Sea)
Ca 410ppm (Red Sea)
KH 10dKH (Red Sea)
NO3 2ppm (Red Sea)
PO4 0.02ppm (Red Sea)

Thanks! :spin1:
I think you can wait for a while before worrying about anything. I have noticed that issue when dosing Tech-M in the past, but I probably was dosing less than you are. There might have been a bit of oil in the mix, I guess, but that's strange.
Thanks. Wasn't sure how common this was, as Google didn't bring back many/any hits. I'll keep an eye on things. All corals, inverts and anemones seem to be fully extending/happy as normal, but I know how quickly things can change in such a small water volume...
Took two days, some coral snow and a squeegee of the skimmer neck (seemed to be an oily ring) but foam production is back.


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I'm also dosing tech m for bryopsis and my skimmer will shut down foam production for a while. It usually resumes foaming after a couple hours though. I have never actually timed it but I know it doesn't take 36 hours. It will probably happen again when you dose tech m.

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I have the opposite experience, I dose Tech-M and my skimmer goes wild. I have to shut it down or it overflows quickly. Strange that we have exactly opposite experiences.