Keys Bound!

Well Richard, my wife and I are Keys bound this afternoon as well - Key West to be exact for a week of R&R.

My mission down there will be to find which establishment makes the best Pina Colada!!! Looks like I will need to visit each and every establishment there to make my research complete. I wonder if I could get some kind of government grant to help fund this project....

Enjoy, as I know we will!!!

Holiday Isle...

Holiday Isle...

On your way down, stop at Holiday Isle.....Just south of Islamorada.....where all the fishing boats are tied up, right before you go accross the bridge.....good eats and drinks!

gotta go...6.5 hour drive, and have to be there in time for lobster dinner at my buddys house...
sea ya!

Richard TBS:rollface:


Back from the Keys!
Collected a few thousand critters!

Fished in a yellowtail snapper tournament on Saturday......we came in third.....paid the gas anyway!
Richard TBS :rollface:
That is great!!! Makes me excited, I am hoping to order my second half of the package for Friday. The rock looks great, it is so much better than anything I could have ever expected. I did get a large mantis as a hitchhiker. He is tormenting me right now. LOL
wooglin said:
That is great!!! Makes me excited, I am hoping to order my second half of the package for Friday. The rock looks great, it is so much better than anything I could have ever expected. I did get a large mantis as a hitchhiker. He is tormenting me right now. LOL

Slow down, never hurry your tank, you will cycle, give it time!
Richard TBS
My ammonia is at 0, nitrites at 0, and nitrates around 15. Is it possible that my tank is cycling this fast? I dont want to hurry things, but if it is cycling this fast, I have more time off this week to pick up rock at the airport ;-)



But give it a few more days, no need to be in a we ship underwater, sometimes there is little to no die off, thus no ammonia, BUT let it flow a few more days....the chemistry needs to cook a little more....

Richard TBS :rollface: