Stable, good water quality/parameters.
Patience, as growing a monster SPS reef - looking grown in and stunning - is not something you'll have in the next year, maybe more. Knowing what I do now, it might take me less time - but if I started all over it would be a good while before it looked like much. That's ok ... given the above, it will
For `general advice' there's these great threads:
Let's talk about water quality in an SPS tank.
Lets talk about lighting an SPS tank
Let's talk about water movement in an SPS tank
IMO, start with easier, aquacultured stonies [like Montipora] ... then add aquacultured other pieces ... eventually to add wild colonies if desired - but I'd get the hardy cultured ones down pat first.
Personally, I'd drop the Alk to more in the 8-9 dKh range ... some folks believe they have more problems when Alk is elevated well above NSW [which is 7 dKh]. I wouldn't let Alk drop below 7 [it's not fatal] ... but found poorer results when that was low.
Water flow ... you will likely want to upgrade as your corals grow. Now that my frags are turning into colonies, I've felt like upgrading flow had quite a good benefit - where before they were very grown out it was likely mostly overkill.
Ask questions, search this topic [heck, just page back a dozen pages, you'll find similar threads ... best of all, with different opinions].
There's a number of people doing somewhat different things - all achieving very nice results. Just because I post a lot doesn't mean I have the `one right way' ... nor likely does anyone else IMO. We all likely have something to teach you, while we all disagree
Perhaps find a local reef club, or a local stony coral keeper to get to know, check their tanks, maybe get some frags ... to learn from. Personally I found a couple folks who seemed to have good, long-term results ... and followed their husbandry and advice as best I could.
Every tank is different, there's people using just about every substrate, a lot of methods, different light amounts/types, etc. to each get lovely remarkable results. IMO, what I see in all of them is good water quality, and devoted husbandry.
That's what I end up focusing most on. But that's just my opinion, and I'd always encourage you to get a number of takes on it, as many as possible, really.