King's Landing Aquarium


New member
I just recently closed on a house, and there is a 900+ sqft living room just dying for a large tank. My initial thoughts are in the 14x5x3 or 8x8x3 dimensions for the size of the tank that will be viewable on three sides. There is an extra room roughly 18x18 to use as a fish room next to the living room. This is at least a year from being fully realized, my contractor said if the choice is between the roof and the fish tank, go with the roof. I am not sure I like him. :hmm5:

I am looking for any ideas to start this ball rolling. I already have two 240 tanks that I am going to use as a seagrass tank, and a refugium. The two 150 gallon rubbermaid horse troughs I have on my current system are going to be a large sump to help with overflow and water changes. I have another 150 oceanic that is going to be stacked on top of smaller tanks for a complete quarantine system. The fish room is more likely then not going to be setup before I even have the tank as a place to put fish when I breakdown the existing system. Also, I want to be able to add fish in order to minimize fighting and territorial issues. Because we are replacing the entire roof, I am putting in new wiring on a dedicated circuit sub panel for the room, raise all of the outlets to at least 5' high, installing an active skylight with exhaust fan & blinds, and a drain. We are going to try and drill holes through a cement wall (debatable) to a storage area to hold RO & mixed salt water in two 225 gallon towers. There is going to be a 55 gallon NPS tank plumped into the system where I can feed that tank and benefit the whole system (like ChingChai's).

I want to keep mechanical filtration to a minimum, I currently have a Deltec on a 500 gallon system, but I think it would need to be bigger. If I have to, I can use 2 existing BRS carbon & GFO large reactors. I think I am dropping the UV.

I will be using an Apex to control everything, with non-controllable backups. I am uncomfortable relying entirely on the controller and wonder what portions of the system you absolutely wouldn't have relying on the Apex.

I am not sure about the flow. Closed loop is out, Murphy and I are too good of friends. This is a question better addressed once the system is up and the rockwork is in. Suggestions?

Lighting"¦....dear god. I currently have 9 AI Sol Blues, not sure if I am going to use these on the display tank or in the fish room. I will being using LED's, just not sure which ones. At least the quality is improving and I can wait to purchase. The goal is to install an electric motor in the roof to lift the top (ChingChai).

The display tank is going to be mixed reef, the footprint allows boomies of different shapes and sizes. I am kicking out the gold flakes, might add another Angel if it won't pick on softies. The goal is to get at least pairs of each type of fish to see the interactions. I love pistol shrimp and shrimp gobies, so there will be sand.

I am open to any and all suggestions, and I will be getting pictures of where it is going and the fish room over the next few months as everything is torn out. I am really interested in any suggestions concerning construction and what I should add now with the roof off.

Thanks in advance!