Hi, thanks for reading this! I appreciate the help. We have a lot of coral, including a big duncan. In addition to the blue eyed kole tang we have 2 clown fish, a starey blenny, an orange spot goby, 1 firefish, a mystery wrasse, 1 cleaner shrimp, a pom pom crab, an emerald crab, a few hermit crabs, 2 zombie snails and one weird shell-less snail thing that must have come in on something else. Our previous yellow eyed kole tang had the same kind of marks and was in our old 16 gallon tank (started in June), she died in December. We upgraded to a 65 gallon tank in January. The blue eyed kole tang had a small mark avove the eye when we bought it but we assumed it was from the net catching him. It didn't take long before additional marks started showing up. This morning brought another small mark above the eye but the mark on the side is already starting to heal. The dammage takes place at night and is usually seen in the morning the next day. The tang seems to like sleeping in the cave area so we wondered if it was something in there getting him while he slept. The cave has a cleaner shrimp that lives in there but we've never seen anything be aggressive. If anything the tang is the most aggressive in the tank. I started dosing melafix 30 ml 1 x daily. We're on day 3 of the recommended 7 day treatment. Thanks again for the help!
Here is the video of the tank: