Ksteiny's comments in my post

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I just want everyone to know for sure that Kevin is a businees owner who is on this page blasting other businesses. That is not what this site is for. I never see the MS guys on here or Chad Smith on here making comments on other stores. He should be banned in my opinion.
he did the frag workshop and Brad Witte's house I have his card in my wallet. It is called Home Grown Reefs.
i want to say one thing

i dont know ksteiny or who he is

harry at marine solutions made a good point from the other thread and i want to thank him for standing up

everyone has there favorite store, than so be it

personally i dont have a favorite store i look till i see something to buy than i take it home.

my favorite store is the sales on reef central

if you dont like me-- bash away i can take it
Man- thats pretty crappy -- doggin other peoples businesses in public when hes a in the business himself. Makes me wonder if any people had some things to say about his operation but were mature enough to refrain. I think most readers realized he was just hangin himself by making those comments, and im sure his wallet will feel the consequences of his words.
Karma can be a B****,
harry at marine solutions made a good point from the other thread and i want to thank him for standing up

This Harry, also gave some strong opinions/rumors about other stores that I felt were not needed from an employee of a competing store. Read the other thread if you want to.

Wow I think that 93foxstang just killed any potential customers from ever going to MS again. Seriously why would you want to shop at a store that employees people with such a bad attitude.

This is why these type of threads should not have started and once they were, they should have been locked.

harry also goes to a lot of stores

i was talking to him about chads place last week brecause he hasnt be there yet . he was just being honest just like everyone else about other stores and if he works there or not i know he is hobbiest just like me

what would make a difference if he said that or not-- would it make a difference if i said it

i think not

i have had troubles with stores but i just say i have troubles with store and that is it

i really dont say the name

i could tell you something bad about every store but in honesty that doesnt help the store it brings down the integrity of the store

if there wasnt saltwater stores how many people would be in this hobby

you can please everyone all the time

remember some of the fish and corals are fragile

i just want to agree to disagree

if anyone has a problem do a seach my cell phone is on reefcentral i posted it
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