Kudos to me?


New member
I think this is the right forum for this. I am setting up my new 90 gallon birthday present (a month early) and managed to do the entire rock, sand, etc. from old rock I have had for many, many years. The sand was from a previous tank and has been stored for about 15 years dry, the live rock-base is from older live rock from the same tank years ago, again it was stored dry. It is now PVC piped, zip tied and epoxied into an amazing looking arch way. The living rock is in as well, it is all over 15 years old and has been from tank to tank to tank with me over the years despite moves from Virginia to Colorado and back. The live rock is totally encrusted with coraline and is looking great in the tank.

Just proof, that investment in sand and rock that we put forward, lasts a long, long time if we care for it all. I am very pleased with my tank so far. Look for pictures to come as things get going.:beer:
