Goodwin9, that is a marvellous looking tank. So much rock and corals with what seems to be fairly rare in the reef business, you have lots of fish. Most reef tanks I see have lots of rock and corals with a relatively light fish load. I have a 180 with 280 pounds of rock, a very heavy coral load and 16 fish. See my picture in this thread. Lately though I am developping an algae problem. My posphates read 0, but I still have lots of algae, usually at the top and outside edges with lots of hair algae growing in the middle od some of my SPS. Their has to be a phosphate issue because something is feeding this algae. I was wondering what you did to export your nutrients and keep your tank so clean looking. Pictures of your equipment would also help. If you think this would be hijacking this thread (which is not my intention), then could you PM me the answers.
Gerry (percula99)