Large green mushroom


New member
I'm not actually sure it would qualify as a mushroom since it doesn't have a central mouth, rather it's a wide round leather that looks like a mushroom. Anyhow, it's one of my favorite things in my tank and I'd love to have more than one, but what I paid for this one what physically painful, so I was hoping I could possibly split it into two's and have it grow into new mushrooms. Or am I dreaming?
It came off a combo rock, which I had to break down, 1) cause the sea urchin devastated the zoes on it and ruined the over all look, and two, I wanted to spread what it had left around my tank. So now the rock is gone and I have the mushroom. It's still a little ****ed at me because I moved it from it's first perch, but it usually recovers after a few days, so I know it will unfold and be as good as new. It came off the rock without any problems, just popped right off with barely a pull.
Can I split this little guy and have it survive? Or am I dooming it?

I also have a very, very temperamental devils fingers which has been attached to an awkward rock (heavy, large, and weird shape) for quite some time) I'd like to remove it and the fairy toadstool growing at the top of the same rock. The rock is very dense, so cutting the actual rock would take serious equipment, can I scrape the devil's fingers from the base of the rock along with the toad stool and attach it elsewhere. This thing is the most temperamental leather I own and I have seen it wrap its self all the way around the rock it's on to "pout". But when it looks good, it looks good.


Colt tree.

How would I go about making more out of one? I'm beginning to wonder if the reason why the one I have doesn't fluff is because it's gotten so large it can't stand up right. It's quadrupled in length and number of limbs in the last 3 months or so but the limbs are so long they drag the ground and it just seems to get longer and longer and longer but never fluffy like it was when I first picked it out. But it was NEVER this HUGE when I first got it. It's crazy. Can I knick off a limb, frag it onto a rock and have it survive?

Thanks for any help. I'd really like to spread some of my corals around and fill out my tank without cutting into my budget too much, so any advice is welcome.
I'm not actually sure it would qualify as a mushroom since it doesn't have a central mouth, rather it's a wide round leather that looks like a mushroom. Anyhow, it's one of my favorite things in my tank and I'd love to have more than one, but what I paid for this one what physically painful, so I was hoping I could possibly split it into two's and have it grow into new mushrooms. Or am I dreaming?
It came off a combo rock, which I had to break down, 1) cause the sea urchin devastated the zoes on it and ruined the over all look, and two, I wanted to spread what it had left around my tank. So now the rock is gone and I have the mushroom. It's still a little ****ed at me because I moved it from it's first perch, but it usually recovers after a few days, so I know it will unfold and be as good as new. It came off the rock without any problems, just popped right off with barely a pull.
Can I split this little guy and have it survive? Or am I dooming it?

I also have a very, very temperamental devils fingers which has been attached to an awkward rock (heavy, large, and weird shape) for quite some time) I'd like to remove it and the fairy toadstool growing at the top of the same rock. The rock is very dense, so cutting the actual rock would take serious equipment, can I scrape the devil's fingers from the base of the rock along with the toad stool and attach it elsewhere. This thing is the most temperamental leather I own and I have seen it wrap its self all the way around the rock it's on to "pout". But when it looks good, it looks good.


Colt tree.

How would I go about making more out of one? I'm beginning to wonder if the reason why the one I have doesn't fluff is because it's gotten so large it can't stand up right. It's quadrupled in length and number of limbs in the last 3 months or so but the limbs are so long they drag the ground and it just seems to get longer and longer and longer but never fluffy like it was when I first picked it out. But it was NEVER this HUGE when I first got it. It's crazy. Can I knick off a limb, frag it onto a rock and have it survive?

Thanks for any help. I'd really like to spread some of my corals around and fill out my tank without cutting into my budget too much, so any advice is welcome.

Can you get a pic of the first coral? Proper ID could be important.

I do not know about the devils hand, I think that may be excessivly rough on it. Can you use a chisle and hammer to break off some of the rock?

The colt can be snipped with sharp and tight scissors.